Our Ethos & Approach
Play, Learn & Grow Together
Child Led Learning
We believe in a child led approach to early years education where children can play, explore and make their own choices. We recognise that all children are unique and at pre-school we celebrate and nurture each child's individual interests and curiosities. Every day gives children endless opportunities to lead their own learning and develop new skills. Our team supports each child's learning by responding in the moment, they extend their thinking and vocabulary as well as introducing new experiences or areas of investigation.
Play is vital to children's learning and development, it is through open ended play that children have the freedom to challenge themselves, problem solve and make connections. Our indoor and outdoor play spaces are carefully planned to ensure that all children can access the resources they need to bring their ideas to life and expand their knowledge and understanding.
Learning in Nature
Our pre-school curriculum is designed to help and support all children to achieve their best. We support children's holistic development to equip them with skills for life, these are set out in our curriculum goals. Our curriculum is flexible and is influenced by children's fascinations and the seasonal rhythms of the year.
We believe that spending time outdoors and interacting with the natural world enables children to develop a life long love of nature. Children are encouraged to learn about and engage with the natural world, these experiences inspire their curiosity and provoke their thinking.
Being outdoors regularly enables our children to move freely, run, climb and balance. They develop their gross and fine motor skills, strength, co-ordination and learn to manage their own risks. Our outdoor play spaces provide a wide range of open ended resources that facilitate the children's learning in their own way.
Happy & Healthy
Supporting children's emotional well being is central to what we do. We want our children to be confident and inspired learners, who are proud of their achievements and can recognise their individuality. Children are supported to express and understand their emotions and those of others, this helps them to develop strong relationships, form and maintain friendships with their peers. Our children are resilient and learn how to work through challenges when they occur.
At pre-school, children are encouraged to be active and understand how to make healthy choices. They take part in weekly health and wellbeing sessions including yoga, music and movement and sports. We aim to support our little learners to lead happy and healthy lives.
Strong Relationships
We strive to create an inviting pre-school environment where parents and carers work in partnership with the pre-school team to support the learning and development of each individual child. We aim involve families and other members of the community to be involved with pre-school, welcoming their contributions and valuing their ideas and skills. We work hard to keep parents informed throughout their child's time with us via regular parent/teacher conversations and termly meetings.
Every child at pre-school is allocated a member of the team to be their key person, this system helps children to form strong relationships and secure attachments with our teachers. We believe children make the best progress when they feel safe and secure and are our team are passionate about developing confident, independent and inspired learners. Children are encouraged to work co-operatively with their peers, learning to collaborate, share ideas and support each other.
"Partnership with parents is exceptional. Strategies for engaging parents in the pre- school and their children's learning are incredibly good"
Ofsted, 2018
Mappleborough & Winyates Green Pre-School, Winyates Green Community Centre, Furze Lane, Redditch. B980SE
Telephone: 07934421807 Email: mgpreschool@live.co.uk Social: Find us on Facebook!
© Copyright Mappleborough & Winyates Green Pre-School