
Safeguarding is everyones responsibility

We are committed to ensuring the safety and welfare of all our children, families and community.  Children deserve to be safeguarded from harm and  to develop to their full potential, free from harm through abuse, exploitation or neglect.  Safeguarding is about the promotion of welfare, the prevention of harm and the protection of the child from harm when required.  

We have a responsibility to promote your child’s welfare and ensure they are safe.  We will ensure that any concerns about children are discussed with the child’s parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that it would be a risk to the child’s welfare.  Parents and carers should be aware that there are circumstances were we will pass information to other agencies without parental consent if staff have a reasonable concern that a child may be at risk of, or is, suffering abuse or neglect.  You can read our safeguarding and child protection policy here.  

Everyone who works or volunteers at preschool receives training in all elements of safeguarding and this is renewed every two years (or when required).  We regularly take part in team meetings, training and refreshers on all aspects of safeguarding to ensure that all colleagues have the knowledge and skills required to respond to any potential safeguarding issues.   

Our designated safeguarding lead and deputy officer are available to support our preschool community.   

  • Our designated safeguarding lead is: Helen Dukes - Manager 
  • Our deputy safeguarding officer is: Michelle Morrall

If you are you worried that a child is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm and needs immediate protection:

  • contact the police on 999 if there is an immediate risk of danger
  • otherwise contact the Family Front Door on 01905 822 666 from Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm (until 4:30pm on a Friday)
  • out of office hours (5.00pm to 8.30am weekdays and all day weekends and bank holidays) contact the Emergency Duty team on 01905 768020

Further information and support can be found via the Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership.  

Keeping Children Safe Online 
  • Try out apps, games and websites yourself 
  • Use parental controls on tablets, phones and consoles 
  • Set limits on screen time and places 
  • Monitor your child's use and screen time 
Further Support and Useful Links

The NSPCC is the UK's leading childrens charity, protecting them from abuse and supporting those affected to recover.