Healthy Living 

A healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise is essential for young children's health and wellbeing.  We are committed to implementing within preschool and supporting our families to do this at home too. 
How we promote healthy living at preschool:
  • we provide a varied and nutritious mid session snack to all children
  • encourage children to drink milk or water
  • support families to provide healthy lunchboxes for children attending all day
  • introduce new foods from a variety of cultures
  • plan activities and experiences that encourage our children to be active, this includes yoga, healthy movers, music and movement, walks in the local area, sport sessions as well as regular access to our outside areas where children can climb, run, ride bikes and move freely
Keeping Active

The NHS recommends that pre-schoolers should spend at least 180 minutes (3 hours) a day doing a variety of physical activities spread throughout the day, including active and outdoor play.  The 180 minutes should include at least 60 minutes (1 hour) of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity.  Here are some links to pages with lots of ideas to keep all the family active:

Healthy Eating 

At preschool we encourage all children to have a healthy and balanced lunch.  Below are some useful resources to help parents and carers provide a nutritious and healthy lunchbox and meals: 

EBSB - Healthy Packed Lunches.pdf EBSB - Healthy Packed Lunches.pdf
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10 Steps for Healthy Toddlers .pdf 10 Steps for Healthy Toddlers .pdf
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Type : pdf

Oral Health 

Here are some useful resources for supporting children to develop health habits for their oral health.